2D Easy - Information

Setup, Calibration and Transfer Settings

Table of Contents


    This article has all the information related to the 2D Easy (Optex) device from Installation, Calibration as well as Count Transfer to T.M.A.S.

    Coverage Area

    Activating High Mode - Requires Activation License Key

    Installation Manual



    Steps Prior to adding 2DEasy (Optex) to TMAS

    • Set timezone on device
    • Sync time with PC
    • Update with transfer settings below
    • Log out of camera (will not appear as device to be assigned otherwise)

    2D Easy (Optex) Transfer Settings for TMAS

    File for Import - transferPara.dat

    How to Add to TMAS

    1. Login to TMAS
    2. Select Location to add equipment in Location options. (Refer to Manage Locations help reference if location does not exist and needs to be created.)
    3. Select Configure
    4. Select Equipment Inventory
    5. Click Add
    6. Select Device 
    7. Bullet Brickstream by MAC Address / IP Address from Unassigned list 
    8. Click Next
    9. Confirm Brickstream 
    10. Click Next
    11. Set Interval - 15minutes
    12. Set timezone to timezone for location where device is
    13. Click Finish 
    14. Refresh and Verify device has been added successfully

    Additional Information


    Enabling the Easy-2D for Fast Push

    1. In TMAS go to the chain and then in Manage Locations, Chose the Advanced section on the left and enable Fast Push Activation

    2. In the Easy-2D GUI

        Go to the Transfer Section and modify the Transfer Mode to 1 minute and the Record Unit to 1 minute also.

    3. Reboot or power cycle the Easy-2D.

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