3D Scope I & II LC and HC - Where is the MAC Address?

A Guide to Locating the MAC Address on Your 3D Scope Device

Table of Contents


    The purpose of this article is to show customers where the MAC address is located on their 3D Scope devices.

    MAC Address format

    The format of SMS' 3D Scope II MAC addresses are as follows.

    3D Scope I
    Low-Ceiling (LC) - 00:0B:91:01:xx:xx
    High-Ceiling (HC) - 00:0B:91:20:xx:xx

    3D Scope II 
    Low-Ceiling (LC) - 00:0B:91:90:xx:xx
    High-Ceiling (HC) - 00:0B:91:80:xx:xx
    Low-Ceiling (LC) Outdoor - 00:0B:91:A6xx:xx

    How to find MAC addresses

    MAC addresses are labeled on a sticker attached to all 3D Scope II devices.
    Upon removal of the devices' front faceplates, you will be able to access the label with the MAC address.

    3D Scope I/II LC







    3D Scope I/II HC





    3D Scope II Low-Ceiling (LC) Outdoor



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