Mini Beam - El sensor está bloqueado

T.M.A.S. Alerts

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    Your Traffic Counter's beam is obstructed and cannot count accurately.

    Model: Mini Beam DBM12-20


    This is typically caused by an object interfering with the beams, such as the following.

    Possible obstructing objects

    • Signage may be obstructing the beam
    • Plants, Furniture or displays may be obstructing the beam
    • A new store design or shelving may now be obstructing the beam

    Possible technical issues related the the beam installation

    • Beam may be out of alignment
    • Cover has become unhinged
    • The Beam may have become unmounted from the wall/structure
    • door handle or hinge may be obstructing the beam
    • glass may be obstructing the beam
    • sun light may be intensely shining into the beams
    • one side of the mini sensor may no longer be powered

    Refer to the SYS-MINI installation manual attached here about how to resolve the above technical issues.


    STC-U200 relay & label settings may be incorrect


    How to verify and correct the settings

    From the setup menu, press the up arrow until you find Relay/Label and then follow these steps:

    1. Press enter. On the screen the cursor should be underneath 01. This represents the # of the door. 
    2. Using the up and down arrows select the door you want to change. 
    3. Press enter. The cursor will go to the 2nd row. 
    4. The option is close and open. This setting should always be at close. Select closed using the up/down arrow 
    5. Press enter. The cursor will go to the 3rd row. 
    6. The option is “BiDi” and “NoDi”. This setting should be at NoDi for this kind of installation. Select NoDi and Press enter. 
    7. Press enter until you return to the Number of the door followed by the configuration, then press escape.

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