T.M.A.S. Administrar ubicaciones - Importa una cadena a un archivo

Table of Contents

    Overview - SMS Admin Only

    Use this process to create multiple locations for a customer at the same time, when making locations 1 by 1 would be too time consuming.

    Required Files

    • Location List from customer
    • Reformatted location list in accepted format, examples below.

    Import File Format

    • txt file only
    • semi colon delimited
    • Rows must be as follows

    Steps to format customer file

    1. Open in excel
    2. Add/Remove data columns as need to arrange customer file to column format of accepted file.
    3. Save into comma delimited CSV
    4. Open CSV in Notepad ++, Notepad or Wordpad
    5. Replace , (comma) with ; (semi-colon)
    6. Save as .txt or rename file type
    7. Import as per steps below into T.M.A.S.

    How to access import function

    1. Open Internet Explorer
    2. Login to TMAS as SMS Admin
    3. Select Chain Location in TMAS location options (This will be the ROOT)
    4. Copy/Paste this URL:https://www.smssoftware.net/tms/TMSView#/Administration/ManageCompanyStructure into browser.
    5. Browse and Select File
    6. Click Import  
      • If there is any error, look for issues in the import file and apache logs
      • If the locations got updated partially, try a new file without the locations already created
      • If still does not import fully, skip over the location which does not seem to work if data is correct and/or create the remaining locations manually.

    Successfully Import File Examples:

    City Furniture Location Import.txt

    Furniture Mart Import.txt


    Valid Time Zones Formats:

    (GMT+13:00) Nuku'alofa
    (GMT+12:00) Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is.
    (GMT+12:00) Auckland, Wellington
    (GMT+11:00) Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia
    (GMT+10:00) Vladivostok
    (GMT+10:00) Hobart
    (GMT+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby
    (GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
    (GMT+10:00) Brisbane
    (GMT+09:30) Adelaide
    (GMT+09:00) Yakutsk
    (GMT+09:00) Seoul
    (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo
    (GMT+08:00) Taipei
    (GMT+08:00) Perth
    (GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
    (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar
    (GMT+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
    (GMT+07:00) Krasnoyarsk
    (GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta
    (GMT+06:30) Rangoon
    (GMT+06:00) Sri Jayawardenepura
    (GMT+06:00) Astana, Dhaka
    (GMT+06:00) Almaty, Novosibirsk
    (GMT+05:45) Kathmandu
    (GMT+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
    (GMT+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent
    (GMT+05:00) Ekaterinburg
    (GMT+04:30) Kabul
    (GMT+04:00) Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan
    (GMT+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat
    (GMT+03:30) Tehran
    (GMT+03:00) Nairobi
    (GMT+03:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd
    (GMT+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh
    (GMT+03:00) Baghdad
    (GMT+02:00) Jerusalem
    (GMT+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius
    (GMT+02:00) Harare, Pretoria
    (GMT+02:00) Cairo
    (GMT+02:00) Bucharest
    (GMT+02:00) Athens, Istanbul, Minsk
    (GMT+01:00) West Central Africa
    (GMT+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb
    (GMT+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
    (GMT+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague
    (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
    (GMT) Casablanca, Monrovia
    (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
    (GMT-01:00) Azores
    (GMT-01:00) Cape Verde Is.
    (GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic
    (GMT-03:00) Brasilia
    (GMT-03:00) Buenos Aires, Georgetown
    (GMT-03:00) Greenland
    (GMT-03:30) Newfoundland
    (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)
    (GMT-04:00) Caracas, La Paz
    (GMT-04:00) Georgetown, La Paz, Manaus, San Juan
    (GMT-04:00) Santiago
    (GMT-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito
    (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
    (GMT-05:00) Indiana (East)
    (GMT-06:00) Central America
    (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
    (GMT-06:00) Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey
    (GMT-06:00) Saskatchewan
    (GMT-07:00) Arizona
    (GMT-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan
    (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
    (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada); Tijuana
    (GMT-09:00) Alaska
    (GMT-10:00) Hawaii
    (GMT-11:00) Midway Island, Samoa
    (GMT-12:00) International Date Line West

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