TMAS - Manage User Accounts

Create, Edit and Remove access to TMAS

Table of Contents


    T.M.A.S. access can be controlled directly by application Chain and User Managers (SMS Client Admins) or through Microsoft Azure integration.  User permissions are granted depending on the chosen role.

    How to access Manage User Accounts

    Only T.M.A.S. users with the Chain and Users account type can access options in the Administration section of the application.

    Steps to access
    1. Login to T.M.A.S.
    2. Expand Administration of the left side main menu options
    3. Select Manage User Accounts

    User List

    Depending on the location selected the user list will display the users that have been added with access to that location.

    The user list can be manipulated in the following ways. 

    • select 10, 25 or 50 users to be displayed per page.
    • sort column in ascending or descending order by clicking the arrows next to each column name.
    • search for a specific user with the search box
    • variables listed: Username, Name, E-mail, Group Member, Chain, Status, Last Login, Actions

    User Permissions

    Role-Based Access Control rights and Permissions Matrix can be viewed by clicking on the button found under the membership section when creating a new user or editing an existing T.M.A.S. user.



    Expand to view subsections with the +.  Retail Equation and POS Integrations rows which are highlighted in green require a Retail Subscription to unlock these features.


    Check mark in the Permissions Matrix indicates that the user type will have this feature as “visible”, however the useability may be determined by other settings found under Manage Locations > Advanced settings.  


    Creating a new user

    Locating Manage User Accounts

    1. Login to T.M.A.S.

    2. Expand Administration

    3. Select Manage User Accounts

    4. Select Add 
    Completing Account Information

    5. Input Username (Suggested Use their e-mail address as it is more easily remembered and unique). Note* If using MS Azure Integration - The username needs to match both in T.M.A.S. and Azure.

    6. Input e-mail address 

    7. (Optional) Uncheck any communication types which you would like this user to not receive related to SMS Storetraffic marketing.

    8. Select user language (English, French, or Spanish)

    9. (Optional) Input a description as to why this user was created if needed.

    10. Uncheck if user should be disabled. Otherwise leave checked for account to be active.

    11. Uncheck if welcome e-mail to configure a password should not be sent yet. Otherwise leave checked for welcome e-mail to be sent. (Sends 1st time access info to user by e-mail from

    12. Select Next

    Completing User Information

    13. Input first name

    14. (Optional) Input last name

    15. (Optional) Input Title

    16. (Recommended) Input Mobile number (Important if you plan of having users is text based OTP for T.M.A.S. login)

    17. select next

    Membership - Selecting User Root location
    User's root location influences which chains, districts, regions or locations they will be able to select for dashboard or reporting purposes. Unlike locations, users can ONLY be members of a single Chain / District / Region or Location.  Should a user require access to locations which appear in different Districts or Regions, then they should be provided access higher in the location tree.  If a conflict arises where a user needs only access to a couple specific locations as they are supervising these locations, then a region / district should be created in manage locations where these locations are assigned prior to the creation of the user so it can be selected in the membership.
    18. Search and check off a location where they require access for dashboard and reporting.  The higher on the location tree selected will provide access to all sub locations.
    Membership - Selecting User Membership
    User membership is where role-based permissions can be assigned based on the reporting access required.

    The Rights and Permissions Matrix will open a window showing all the levels of access.


    19. Check a permission to grant

    20. Select Add


    Newly created users will appear in the users list.


    Editing a User

    1. Check the box of a user - New options will appear (Note: Only a single user can be edited at a time. If more than 1 user is checked the EDIT button will disappear)
    2. Select Edit - TMAS will load user page 
    3. Navigate through Account Information, User Information and Membership 
    4. Make desired changes
    5. Click Save

    How to Enable / Disable a User

    Users become disabled after 5 login failures.

    1. Check the box next to the desired user
    2. Click Edit
    3. Click the box next to Enabled in the Account Information Tab to enable / disable
    4. Click Save

    Removing a User

    1. Check the box of all user(s) to remove - New options will appear
    2. Select Delete  - TMAS will load user page 
    3. Select YES to the following message that you are sure 

    Setting an MFA / password expiration login policies

    T.M.A.S. admin users are able define a period of days to determine when users' passwords will expire and be forces to reset. Also set whether multi-factor authentication should be mandatory as well as which MFA type should be used.

    For more information about how users can change or reset their passwords and settings, refer to the following MEMBER LOGIN article.

    How to define set login policies in T.M.A.S.
    1. Select Chain location to set password policy on in location options
    2. Expand Administration
    3. Select Manage Locations
    4. Click Advanced
    5. Scroll down and find User options
    6. Input desired number of days before passwords expires (Note* indicating 0 days disables this function and is the default setting).
    7. Toggle if MFA should be mandatory. (Make sure that all your user's information is correct as T.M.A.S. is using this to send authentication codes.
    8. Uncheck any MFA type which should NOT be used.
    9. Scroll and select save

    Resetting All User(s) OTP config or a Specific User

    Single User
    1. Check the box for that user
    2. Click reset user OTP config
    3. Select Yes to the following message to confirm
    All Users
    1. Do Not Select any users by checking the box
    2. Select Reset all OTP config
    3. Click Yes to following message to confirm 

    Resetting All User(s) password(s) or a Specific User

    To reset a single users password
    1. Check the box for that user
    2. Click reset user password
    3. Select Yes to the following message to confirm
    To expire or reset ALL USERS passwords
    1. Do Not Select any users by checking the box
    2. Select Reset all user password or expire all user passwords
    3. Click Yes to following message to confirm 

    Mail a User

    T.M.A.S. provides the ability to make use you default mail application to send communications to users defined in the application.  Selected user(s) e-mail addresses in the TO: field. Selecting multiple users will place the addresses in the BCC: field
    1. Select a user
    2. Click Mail 
    3. Your default e-mail application will appear. 

    How to clear Invalid e-mail tags on Users

    T.M.A.S. sends user and password information as well as reports by e-mail to it's users.

    If a user was created with an invalid e-mail address, either by a typo, the address did not exist at the time of the T.M.A.S. user creation or the verification bounced, the user will be flagged. 

    Refer to the following process to clear the flag so that they can start receiving e-mails again from the T.M.A.S. application.

    Example of Flagged User

    If the user e-mail address is not correct, use the edit function to update the account with the correct e-mail address which will force T.M.A.S. to revalidate.

    Otherwise if the is correct follow these steps to clear the flag.

    1. Select the user account
    2. Click Whitelist this or these email(s)
    3. A Confirmation message will appear indicating that the Flag has been cleared.
    4. Click the T.M.A.S. Icon at the top right of the screen
    5. Select Refresh T.M.A.S. info for the flag to disappear.


    Q: Does creating new users require additional subscriptions?
    A: At minimum a single T.M.A.S. standard subscription allows to create additional accesses to your account beyond the initial user with the SMS Storetraffic free mobile app.  After that there is no limit to the amount of user accounts which can be created as the T.M.A.S. subscription model is traffic counter device based.
    Q: How can a user reset their OTP Auth app to a new device?
    A: Select the user and then select Reset user's OTP config button from the top of the user list.  The next time the user attempts to login they will receive the QR code to scan with their preferred Auth App.
    Q: The user is did not receive any email about his account being created / to create password
    A: Learn more here
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