General Information FAQ

Discover why dedicated people counting solutions outperform security cameras in accuracy, reliability, and actionable data.

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    Q: Does SMS Storetraffic provide counters which can filter employees?

    A: SMS is proud to confirm that in partnership with our 3D camera manufacturer (Hella/Xovis), we are now offering a UWB solution after successful field tests with existing customers!

    Dedicated articles have been prepared about this:

    Our market survey shows that other methods offered by the market are not even close to UWB accuracy, ease of deployment/maintenance. Please see below:

    • Piece of Fabric Worn by Employees
      The primary manufacturer for this option is no longer in business. The method, which used video detection through traffic counting cameras, was only accurate when employees weren’t wearing coats, jackets, or had uncovered hair. Due to customer feedback about its limitations and poor aesthetics, SMS discontinued this option.
    • Badge with particular pattern worn by employees:
      This method relied on video recognition through traffic counting cameras, requiring clear visibility of the badge. SMS found this option to be even more limited than the fabric method, so it was not adopted.
    • Facial recognition :
      While promising in the mid to long term, facial recognition is currently inaccurate and faces legal challenges. Due to these concerns, SMS does not offer this option.
    • RFID or Wi-Fi / Bluetooth tracking with badges or devicenot through people counters:
      These methods, although available for over eight years, are far less accurate than UWB. They risk misidentifying employee movements or incorrectly counting customers as employees. SMS decided not to offer these technologies.
    • Special Employee Behaviors:
      Methods requiring employees to perform unnatural behaviors (e.g., walking with an arm over the head) are somewhat accurate but impractical. SMS does not offer this option.

    SMS remains committed to evaluating all available options and has chosen UWB for its superior performance. Our team continues to explore and stay informed about any new, viable technologies.

    Q: Does SMS Storetraffic provide Wi-Fi / Bluetooth tracking solutions?

    A: SMS has chosen not to pursue Wi-Fi counting because our priority is to deliver reliable and actionable data.

    As mentioned earlier, Wi-Fi counting faces significant limitations in accurately tracking bidirectional traffic (ins and outs), distinguishing between pass-by and walk-in traffic, and providing detailed heat mapping (such as tracking customer paths, dwell times, and movement within specific areas).

    Limitations to consider which could lead to inaccurate data :

    • Having a phone/device (and no more than 1)
    • Being a smartphone / device
    • Battery not being depleted
    • WiFi and/or Bluetooth actually being turned on
    • No restrictions on being tracked
    • Having opted-in to enable tracking
    • Having an App which communicates with the services of the counting provider
    • Hoping that the person / device is actually well located since Wi-Fi inaccuracy could be 30’ / 10 meters, Bluetooth 12’ / 4 meters
    • Hoping that Apple/Samsung's current work on Mac Address randomization won’t bring more complexity (what is reinforced with each Apple update...)

    Whenever an individual doesn't check all these boxes, he will not be counted, or maybe only once every 5 minutes.

    A good video to illustrate Wi-Fi difficulties is here (from 2016 but still very accurate... Interesting all along but even more at the 4:50 mark):

    Finally, most organizations today already have Wi-Fi systems in place, and a quality Wi-Fi provider typically offers heat mapping, dwell times, and similar trends. We recommend checking with your provider for these features.

    Q: Does SMS Storetraffic provide people counting options via Security cameras?

    A: No security system currently competes with dedicated people counting companies.

    SMS has tested various security cameras over the years, and many customers have compared our solutions against them. While using existing infrastructure and low-cost cameras may seem appealing for cost savings, the reality is that their accuracy falls far short of dedicated people counting solutions like Pearl or 3D cameras—crucial for any organization needing reliable, actionable data.

    Security cameras are designed for different purposes, often with suboptimal angles for entrance monitoring. They lack embedded counting software and rely on external video analysis systems, which are usually based on basic algorithms. This setup requires local servers, more processing power, and can lead to high maintenance costs.

    Additionally, security camera providers generally lack expertise in people counting analytics and metrics, increasing the risk of a poor return on investment.

    To gauge if a security camera provider is serious about people counting, start by checking their website: Is people counting prominently featured? What do they say about accuracy, success stories, and their analytics platform?

    SMS will continue to monitor these options and any other potential developments.

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