Create Your Company on SMS StoreTraffic – Quick Guide

Step-by-step guide to creating your SMS StoreTraffic app account. Register today to start managing your store's traffic effectively!

Table of Contents

    Welcome to the SMS StoreTraffic App Company Creation Guide

    Setting up your company within the SMS StoreTraffic app is a crucial first step in harnessing the power of precise foot traffic analytics. Whether you're looking to optimize daily operations, enhance customer experiences, or streamline your staffing needs, our platform is designed to facilitate these goals with ease. This guide provides a straightforward, step-by-step process to help you create your company profile, enabling you to take full advantage of our robust analytics tools. Follow these instructions to set up your company quickly and start making data-driven decisions that propel your business forward.


    • Downloaded App
    • Created an Account
    • Company has not been previously setup

    Company Setup / Business Hours

    1. Select Company Setup
    2. Input the following information
      • Business category
      • Corp Name
      • E-mail
      • Phone number of business
      • Address information
    3. (Optional)Uncheck "Generate the First Location" if you have more than 1 location which is not in the same location as the head office. Otherwise if you only have a single location or the flagship location has the same address as the business, leave it checked.
    4. Press Submit
    5.  (Optional) If "Generate the First Location" was left unchecked, Click Add a location and repeat steps 2 and 4. for each additional location
    6. Configure business hours for the location - Pearl Device Battery Saver!
      • Select or Input Opening and Closing time with the selection wheel or input time manually.
      • Uncheck day if location is closed.
    7.  Select Save Business Hours


    Company Setup F.A.Q.

    Q: How do I edit my Company Information? A: Select Edit location from the Location options next to the location you would like to modify.
    Q: Do I need to make an account for every location? A: A single account / login can create multiple locations.  However if you do NOT have a TMAS subscription, the account is limited to simultaneous login on 2 devices at a time ONLY.  With a minimum TMAS Standard subscription, there is no limitation on the number of users for a single account.  Additional logins can be created through T.M.A.S. 
    Q: Do I need to make a location for every device? A: For reporting purposes a location should be defined as a group of devices as it will show the sum of traffic of all linked devices on the particular location.
    Q: Where can I download the Free App? A: 


    I am not receiving account creation /password reset emails.

    A: Learn more here.


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