Repurposing a counter

Steps to Factory Reset a device so it can be used at another location / by another organization

Table of Contents


    This article presents the steps to factory reset a device so it can be used at another location / by another organization.

    While some organizations will look to use a device somewhere else and want to avoid complications, some others stop counting or change of technology, while their counter(s) could be useful to others. 

    Donating unused devices is a way to give these a second life and help local charities, as documented in the FAQ.


    From T.M.A.S.

    1. Go to Administration
    2. Select Inventory
    3. Check off Device & both Sensors (if counting Ins&Outs, usual default set up) 
    4. Select Remove

    From the APP

    • PEARL – Remove batteries from Main sensor, hold reset button while putting batteries back - If you want to ensure batteries don’t drain, place back the pull tabs, any piece of paper, or just leave the batteries out of it – Pearl is now ready to be installed anywhere else! 
      • Article with more details here.

    • 3D – hold down the reset button for 30 seconds – 3D is now ready to be installed anywhere else! 
      • Article with more details here.


    • My counter is broken, shall I donate it?

    If your counter has been confirmed to be broken with SMS support team, then it needs to be disposed of, and can go to the electronic recycling bin!

    • Why should I donate it?

    Although one can choose that a traffic counting counting technology is no longer necessary / viable / wanted, as long as your counter technically works, it could help another organization (and limit environmental footprint! 😉)

    • Which charity / organization could I give it to? 

    Some customers donate devices which they no longer use to local charities such as Habitat for Humanity, Good Will, Society of Saint Vincent de Paul or equivalent. Local libraries or Museums are a very valid choice too. SMS doesn’t maintain particular lists nor signs any master agreements, but there are many organizations like these using our systems, and we know it could help many more!

    • Can I sell it through Amazon / Ebay? 

    Technically yes. We have seen some SMS people counters being offered on various platforms as second hand. In this case, it is even more important than one verifies his/her device is fully functional before selling it.

    • How will the new owner know what to do?

    The best way is to notify SMS Storetraffic @ with the contact of the new owner, so we can share valuable information with them. 

    Otherwise, the new owner shall contact SMS Storetraffic when needing guidance, at which point we can share valuable information with them. 

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