Customer Preparation for the Calibration Appointment
Device Calibration prior self setup
Table of Contents
The purpose of this article is to aid a customer who has purchased SMS calibration services with the prerequisite setup which is required to be performed PRIOR to the scheduled appointment.
If the appointment hasn't been scheduled yet, please do so here:
Paying close attention to following steps will greatly aid in insuring you have a successful calibration session and can start counting right away in the SMS software application.
In the event that the device setup and installation has been passed along to your IT Team, Installation Team or an outsourced partner / contact, it would be most beneficial to relay this information to them if they will be tasked with performing the following.
Using 3rd Party Installers:
If your IT Team, Installation Team, or an outsourced partner is handling the device setup and installation, please share this information with them if they will be responsible for the tasks.
IMPORTANT: During the calibration session, the individuals we work with will be informed of the camera's default password.
Physical Installation: 3D Scope II LC/HC
Before mounting, we recommend connecting the 3D Scope II to your network or computer to confirm network access to the camera. A successful network connection will result in a solid green light on the 3D Scope II.
Sometimes, issues can arise due to faulty cables, which can be difficult to identify once the camera is in its final elevated position.
To avoid this:
- First test the camera network access using shorter cables near your network switch.
- After installing the permanent PoE cable from the switch to the mounting location, use a cable tester to check for network access and power to ensure a successful installation.
- There must be a SOLID green light once connected.
If you have difficulty confirming network access to the camera, refer to this article.
However, a solid green light is sufficient to proceed with calibration.
T.M.A.S. Software Application Info
The following information applies to the SMS Hosted SaaS solution or if you have the T.M.A.S. application installed on-premise.
Accessing the T.M.A.S. Software
Refer to this knowledge article about Login
Creating the Location in T.M.A.S. where the Device is installed
Refer to this knowledge article about Adding locations in T.M.A.S
Traffic Counter Information by Type
3DScope II - Information
- Accessing the traffic counter
- Traffic counter connections
- How to find the IP address of the counter if in DHCP mode
- How to program an IP address into the traffic counter
Connecting to the Calibration meeting at the time of the appointment
Meeting information is found in the Calibration Appointment Confirmation E-mail
- Application Download Click Here otherwise during the meeting you will be prompted to download and install.
- How to join the meeting - Click Here
- How to share your screen - Click Here
- How to request mouse control - Click Here
Troubleshooting - Known issue connecting with Safari on Mac
*In the event that your organization IT security does not allow the Ring Central Meetings application, the SMS resource assigned to the calibration meeting will work with you to remotely connect through another means (Example: Team Viewer or your own approved screen sharing application).