PTD - Performance to date report

Retailers - A quick look on your performance for the current day

Table of Contents


    Used by the store managers, the Performance to Date report is beneficial as it provides a quick look at the current day’s data compared with the average during the previous four weeks of the same period. This is considered a legacy report as the dashboard provides similar capabilities.

    How is it Useful?

    Provide a quick look on daily performance with a comparative on the average of the last 4 weeks.

    Who would normally use this report?

    Store Managers


    We assume that you have picked the location and date that you want to include in the reports. 

    1. Select the PTD Report.
    2. Input the title name of your choice, this is optional;
    3. Click on Business hours or Specific Hours;
    4. If you selected Specific Hours, Input the desired value;
    5. Click Submit;
    6. Click Schedule if you wish to have it automated (See Report Scheduling for more details);

    Report Example

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