Pearl Live Occupancy - Energizer Recharge 2000mah Batteries
Table of Contents
The purpose of this article is to provide feedback on rechargeable Energizer batteries in Live Occupancy mode.
Since the Live Occupancy does communicate at each walk in or out we recommended the following:
Setting a store procedure on changing and charging them on a daily basis that can be part of the store closing procedure, this would allow one buffer day that if they are forgotten, it will still report on the second day.
Battery Information:
Amazon Link for specific model:
- Energizer Recharge: Batteries (pack of 8 AA): Link
- EBL 8 x AA batteries Charger: Link
Battery Report
The batteries will last for an average of 2 days, if we take into account the following variables:
- 25 Customer per 15 minutes interval
- 24h business hours