Occupancy Log

Total People in a location by interval

Table of Contents


    A report detailing the total number of people who occupied the location during the specified time period and selected interval. This report also provides additional metrics just as the MIN / MAX and AVG amount of the for a given interval.


    • This report is ONLY available for locations which have a bidirectional (IN/OUT) counter installed. Example (3DScope / 3DScope II LC / Pearl).
    • Insights columns such as W. Avg / Min / Max requires a Real-Time license subscription and the traffic counter to be in triggered (Real-time mode)

    How is it Useful? 

    Used to determine how many people occupied the location at a given time. This can help to provide insights into space occupancy requirements and compliance as well as if staff scheduling is adequate. Knowing how people use your location provides you with knowledge to make it better.

    Who would normally use this report?

    Retail Stores, Public locations such as Museums, Libraries, Pools, Municipal Buildings.

    How to generate an Occupancy Log Report:

    1. Select date range from calendar selector
    2. Select location of interest
    3. Select Analytics
    4. Select Reports
    5. Expand List of Reports (If run recently could appear under "Recently Used Reports")
    6. Click generate report button
    7. (Optional) Input title name for report
    8. Bullet choice for Hourly Setup and or select specific hours
    9. Select interval
    10. Checkoff View selection (*Note - option may be locked dependent on the location type selected)
    11. Checkoff Weekday selections to include/exclude
    12. (Optional) Checkoff Save report preset
    13. (Optional) Checkoff Include adjustments
    14. Click Submit
    15. Select Open (MS Excel) or Save File- If download window doesn't appear check your browser downloads folder for the excel report.
    16. Click OK
    17. Once the report has opened in Excel, Click enable editing 

    *Note - This report can be scheduled - Refer to the scheduling a report help article about how to successfully schedule reports.

    Corrupt Data

    The corrupt column indicates if there were any device outages which may have affected the data during the specific report period.  It may also appear in the event you have not set business hours for the location.

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