T.M.A.S. - Furniture Wizard P.O.S. Integration

Table of Contents


    T.M.A.S. allows for the integration of each of your locations' Furniture Wizard POS accounts so that it can import the following data for the purpose of populating the dashboard as well as various reports.

    • Sales Data
    • Transactional Data

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    Furniture Wizard
    Active T.M.A.S. Retail Subscription or higher 

    Contact SMS Storetraffic

    Contact SMS Storetraffic

    When ready, reach out to success@storetraffic.com with the following requirements.


    How to setup the integration

    Step 1 - Verify that the location ID('s) in Furniture Wizard correspond to that/those in T.M.A.S.   

    SMS Storetraffic will require a list of all locations including their store # and addresses so that they can be matched between systems.

    Important : Verify that the location ID('s) in Furniture Wizard correspond to T.M.A.S. 

    1. Select to chain level in “location options”
    2. Select “Administration” tab
    3. Select “Manage Locations
    4. Verify that your store/stores have the same location ID as what is seen in Furniture Wizard
    5. If not, then you click on the location name and edit the location ID.
    Step 2 - Create FTP account

    Follow instructions in the following article:

    T.M.A.S. - FTP Account Creation

    Login to the following URL with your credentials : files.smssoftware.net

    Step 3 - Setup import in T.M.A.S.

    Login to TMAS

    1. Select Adminstration tab
    2. Select Manage Locations
    3. Select Import / Export data / P.O.S Integration
    4. Select Add

      General Information
    5. Indicate Label (Name to be given to import job)
    6. Select “Delimited”
    7. Select “*.csv”
    8. Select “Comma”
    9. UNCHECK Active box
    10. Select “Use Default
    11. StoretrafficFTP” - in the dropdown, you will select the FTP account that was created in Step 2
    12. Click Save

    13. Schedule Type : Select “Hourly
    14. Hour to start the import : Input “00:02”
    15. Click Save

      Columns Information
    16.  Location Mask: Input ??
    17. Output format: Select “MM/DD/YYYY/hh:mm”
    18. Check Transaction log file
    19. Select Transaction Details

      Math the following fields with the related column in the export file. 
    20. Location ID (Location) : Input “3
    21. Date : Input “30
    22.  Trans ID (Invoice no.) : Input “1
    23.  Amount (Invoice Subtotal) : Input “7
    24.  Items (TotalQtySold)  : Input “28
    25.  Click Preview File


    Step 4 - Notify Furniture Wizard for integration to be done on their end Furniture Wizard will configure uploads to FTP. Files must go into /import directory. 

    Important : Furniture Wizard will need customer's FTP credentials for their setup.

    Step 5 - Activate import

    1. Select Adminstration tab
    2. Select Manage Locations
    3. Select Import / Export data / P.O.S Integration
    4.  Click on the “pen” icon under Actions
    5.  Put checkmark in Active box
    6. Click Save
    Step 6 - Validate by running report Run a Totalling Report to verify that you are receiving sales/transaction numbers in your report. 


    Q: It worked before, but it stopped working. How do I get help?
    A: Go to help.storeffic.com and click on the “chat” icon for technical assistance 

    Q: How do activate the T.M.A.S. Retail Plan?
    A: Contact success@storetraffic.com to upgrade to the Retail Plan

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